Initial weight for retraining?

Issue #210 resolved
Yilin Yang created an issue

What is the initial weight for retraining? Is that the weight in amp file?

Comments (7)

  1. Muammar El Khatib

    Depending on what you are referring to:

    1) If you are using the retries keyword argument, then randomize() is called with weights=True and scalings=True which will make your optimization to restart in another point of the loss function space.

    2) If you would like to retrain, then there is this information on There you open an .amp calculator file and use those weights as your starting point in the loss function to minimize it further.

    Does that make sense?

  2. Yilin Yang reporter

    you mean if I load the existing amp file to retrain a set of images, the starting point will be the weight recorded in this amp file?

  3. Yilin Yang reporter

    Thanks, another question is if the fingerprints of images will be recalculated during retraining?

  4. Muammar El Khatib

    No, if you keep your .ampdb directories in the same location where you performed a previous training. In that case, Amp will try to open neighbor lists, fingerprints, their derivatives from those .ampdb databases instead of computing them again. Just be careful to not mix those databases!.

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