convert Amp object into PROPhet input file

Issue #216 resolved
xuzixing created an issue

Today I Attempts to load ‘<label>.amp’ file of Amp and save to PROPhet input file. After running script I can't save to PROPhet input file with python2. I really don't understand how to fix this script , Can you have any idea how I can fix this ? This is the error: 11.png

Comments (1)

  1. andrew_peterson repo owner

    It looks like you are using a development version of Amp; the save_to_prophet method is now in amp.convert, so the correct syntax should be something like

    from amp import Amp
    from amp.convert import save_to_prophet
    calc = Amp.load('saved.amp')

    Also, please post future questions like this on the amp-users mailing list. Only if you cannot solve your problem there, then we can open a bug report.

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