new method: get_forces(self, ....)

Issue #30 resolved
Alireza Khorshidi created an issue

What is the structure of fingerprint object here?

I am going to make a similar method get_forces(). What should be the inputs to this? I need der_fingerprints, neighborlists, and atomic positions.

How should I structure these objects? Do I have to pass all of them to get_forces method?

Comments (2)

  1. andrew_peterson repo owner

    Depends on if we are in image-centered or atom-centered mode.

    Image-centered: a single feature vector, that is a list of numbers Atom-centered: a list of feature vectors, one per element, in the format ( ('Cu', [#, #, #, ...], ('Cu', [#, #, #, ...]), ('Pt', [#, #, #, ...]), ...)

    Good question on how to structure for forces... I think I saw a force commit though so maybe you figured something out?

    By the way, we should try to make an API or specification for everything we do like this. What is a good way to document or enforce that?

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