
Issue #38 resolved
Alireza Khorshidi created an issue

Currently with training only energies, ConvergenceOccured is true if both energyconverged and maxresidconverged happens.

How do we want to extend it to forces? Two ways can be used:

1- energyconverged and forceconverged as before.

2- energyconverged, maxenergyresidconverged, forceconverged, and maxforceresidconverged.

Which way would you suggest to proceed?

Comments (2)

  1. andrew_peterson repo owner

    I think we need to figure out a way to have the user able to cleanly specify which of these they want to be active. For example some users may only want to set a max force residual and don't care about energies.

    I am not looking at the code right now, but a possibility is the user gives a dictionary of convergence criteria, something like:

    convergence = {'energy_SSR': 0.01,
                              'energy_maxresidual': None,
                              'force_SSR': 0.04}

    Any values they don't supply are assumed to be None. What do you think?

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