Change branch and tag names again?

Issue #43 resolved
andrew_peterson repo owner created an issue

We recently set it up such that the branch holding v0.4 is called "v0.4-branch" and the releases are tagged as "v0.4", "v0.4.1", etc., to avoid naming conflicts on git.

However, this makes our readthedocs page kind of ugly, as one now chooses between "latest" and "v0.4-branch". (The name branch is strange there.) I can't see a way to manually change the name to be something different than the branch name in readthedocs.

So, we may want to change the naming system again so that "v0.4" is the name of the branch, and "v0.4-release" and "v0.4.1-release" is the name of the tag?

No rush on this.

Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    is there any update round this post? I need to rename a tag on bitbcket. (even remove a tag)

  2. andrew_peterson reporter

    Are you sure this comment is related to our project Amp? There shouldn't be any reason this affects anyone other than the developers.

  3. andrew_peterson reporter

    Actually, readthedocs (now?) supports having a version point to a tag or a branch. I just tried and I have it set to our "v0.4.1" tag, and it looks good.

    We still have the issue that we can't have a branch and tag have the same name. What I am going to do is call the branch "v0.5" and tag the releases as "0.5", "0.5.1", etc. That is, the branch will have the "v" at the beginning, the tags will not.

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