fortran modules checked in model?

Issue #86 resolved
andrew_peterson repo owner created an issue

Why are the fortran modules checked for the correct version in model/ It seems that they are used in other areas of the code: particularly descriptors. Shouldn't this be done in the file of the amp module?

Note it's possible to use just the descriptor part of Amp without a model to generate fingerprints, etc. (These can then be fed into another machine learning model or just used for analysis.)

Comments (4)

  1. Alireza Khorshidi

    Currently, we do not use fmodules in We just use it in model/ as well as descriptor/ and descriptor/ Where do you suggest we check for fmodules version?

  2. andrew_peterson reporter

    Well, if some one just uses descriptor/ to make fingerprints, that they then use in another learning model (like Zack did in tensorflow), their code would never check to see if fmodules is updated. So either it should be in every import line or else checked once in

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