Zernike multi-core fingerprinting broken

Issue #93 resolved
Zachary Ulissi created an issue

trying to train with multiple cores and Zernike fingerprints fails on the worker processes fails because FingerprintCalculator is being called without the fortran argument

init for FingerprintCalculator: init(self, neighborlist, Gs, nmax, cutoff, cutofffn, fortran):

Call in main: calc = FingerprintCalculator(neighborlist, Gs, nmax, cutoff, cutofffn)

Also, self.parallel_command = 'calculate_fingerprint_prime' should be self.parallel_command = 'calculate_fingerprint_primes'

And: calc = FingerprintPrimeCalculator(neighborlist, Gs,cutoff, cutofffn) is missing the nmax and fortran arguments

And: the checks for the cutoff function also throws errors for me (cutofffn is 'Cosine'), perhaps due to a type change in the parallel code. cutofffn == 'Cosine' etc fixes this

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