Font sizes are huge on standard (non-HighDPI) displays

Issue #12 resolved
Alexey Dokuchaev created an issue

I've found that infobar, exif-, and pixel-popups look huge on my monitor compared to an older version 1.7.1553.8560. Consider attached patch that I had to use to bring them back to normal.

Presumably this is the result of primary development platform being macOS + Retina display? :-) It would be nice if the program could look more of less nicely and identical (ir)regardless of the monitor resolution.

Comments (4)

  1. Andrey Ugolnik repo owner

    Thank you, but this patch affects fonts on high-dpi screens, like MacBook with retina.

  2. Alexey Dokuchaev reporter

    Of course, I understand; this is just FYI. I see that there are ratio and scale variables nearby, so it probably won't be hard to introduce multi-DPI support one day.

  3. Andrey Ugolnik repo owner

    I have implement font scale calculation according to frame buffer size. Also I add font_ratio config parameter. Default value is 0.5, but personally I prefer 0.75 on Linux and on macOS 0.5.

    Fix available in development branch.

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