Create a translatable properties file (messageBundle)

Issue #15 resolved
Kristian K created an issue

i18n process is introduced on

Basically all strings should be made into functions that fetches localized strings from a translated file.

This task can be considered ready when there is a properties file for the current language of the program (english) and the program loads the strings from it.

Comments (11)

  1. Kristian K reporter

    As a short summary: 'qqq' is a nonce languagecode used to convey application private messages. We need to make a "translation" of the "" file into "" where the "translated" strings tells the translators at (or any other translation program) about the context where the string is shown. For example which string is shown as the title and so on.

  2. Nikerabbit will exports translations in unescaped UTF-8 encoding. Can your code read those? I think you need to add few lines extra code as by default Java excepts properties files to be ASCII.

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