Behaviour of translations

Issue #16 resolved
Kristian K created an issue
  • The choice of translation or file should depend on the users preferences. If no preferences are set, english can be used.

  • If the chosen language is not available (no one has translated to it), english can be used. In this case the user should be notified and given a link to the translate project on

  • Users should be able to add properties files by themselves, not needing to download a new version of the programm. Either the program loads the properties files from the same directory as the executable .jar is in, or there should be a simple and explainable way that the user can put a new properties file "inside" of the .jar file.

Comments (2)

  1. Andrjus Frantskjavitsius repo owner

    @keeleleek Can I resolve this?

    I think the link to the translate project should be a seperate issue.

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