Corpora update

Issue #31 resolved
Andrjus Frantskjavitsius repo owner created an issue
  • Implement ILR-ish scale
  • Explanations under Languages and Corpora or Quick Start
  • Option to set default to exact or adaptation
  • Unspecified proficiency

"Here you can change the languages displayed on your interface."

"I want my submissions to be included in the corpus."

"Your submissions will be included in building a corpus of text translations that may benefit research and language technology in the languages used. For the best quality, please indicate your proficiency in the languages used."

Comments (6)

  1. Peeter Tinits


    ILR-ish =

    0) Undefined/Määratlemata 1) Basic / Algeline 2) Limited / Piiratud 3) Good / Hea 4) Excellent / Suurepärane 5) Native / Emakeel


    "Your submissions will be included in building a corpus of text translations that may benefit research and language technology in the languages used. For the best quality, please indicate your proficiency in the languages used."

    [tickbox, on by default] "I want my submissions to be included in the corpus."

    Keelte järgi lõppu link:

    "More information on the corpus." võib panna mingile under construction lehele esialgu.

    Võimalik lisavidin: Kui oled endale lisanud keele, võiks äkki tekkida keelte alla väike tekst.

    Renew your proficiency data under text corpus. (Või mõnes muus sõnastuses.)

    Või mingi sarnane meeldetuletus võiks seal kogu aeg olla. (Muidu ei taipa viimast seadistuselementi ehk vaadata.)

  2. Peeter Tinits

    Possible cosmetic (higher level) addition for the language proficiencies:

    Display the current login name in the same window, so it's clear for whom it is about. Such as (ad hoc wording for now).

    "User1827 language skills are the following:"

  3. Andrjus Frantskjavitsius reporter

    Since the program doesn't support multiple users (one can login with any username they can), this might cause confusion.

  4. Peeter Tinits

    Maybe. But this name would always match the login name, so maybe not. The point is just to emphasize that the proficiencies are about the login. So people may realize to make a new login if they switch persons or the like.

    But again, this is higher-level and not crucial. The rest I would deem quite necessary though.

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