10 000 art. recommendation

Issue #37 resolved
Ivo Kruusamägi created an issue

"Most important" / "Kõige olulisemad"

https://meta.wikimedia.org/ + otsing:

List of articles every Wikipedia should have/Expanded/People

List of articles every Wikipedia should have/Expanded/History

List of articles every Wikipedia should have/Expanded/Geography

List of articles every Wikipedia should have/Expanded/Arts

List of articles every Wikipedia should have/Expanded/Philosophy and religion

List of articles every Wikipedia should have/Expanded/Anthropology, psychology and everyday life

List of articles every Wikipedia should have/Expanded/Society and social sciences

List of articles every Wikipedia should have/Expanded/Biology and health sciences

List of articles every Wikipedia should have/Expanded/Physical sciences

List of articles every Wikipedia should have/Expanded/Technology

List of articles every Wikipedia should have/Expanded/Mathematics

Comments (4)

  1. Andrjus Frantskjavitsius repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Any ideas how to implement this? How should the program interact with the wiki?

    I don't want to hardcode anything into the application itself?

  2. Ivo Kruusamägi reporter

    Program should be able to ask article lists from meta. Thous links given above are where to find them on meta. It should be possible to use thous and possible other lists in there.

    Another example: current CEE Sping has its article suggestion lists in meta.

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