Align function

Issue #72 resolved
Peeter Tinits created an issue

Align function could perhaps be made more transparent:

If you click on Align again, after the first time, maybe it could go back to normal view (as with 'Cancel', actually as with 'Ok' could be better). It would make checking quicker.

Ok could be renamed to "Save changes".

For sometimes there can be very similar languages, or after the use of 'pull' function: it may be useful to write the name of language on the top row.

Personally, I think the left-to-right view is better for the eye, as I've also said before. What are the chances of making the general functionality similar to the bottom-to-top view that is now default?

Comments (6)

  1. Andrjus Frantskjavitsius repo owner

    @peeter_t2 , the problem is that Align view is a seperate editor (like Normal view). It would be hard to rewrite it in such a way so it can do the 3 things: toggled , save, or cancel.

    I will look into it. Maybe I can remove Ok and Cancel and make it toggle only.

    I will also have a look at views in general. Left-right doesnt seem too difficult.

    Will add languages to pull.

    Also, I will split this issue into 2 or 3 issues later. It's easier to keep track.

  2. Peeter Tinits reporter

    Ok, good luck! I like the new features of pull & align. Good work!

    Just in case: I meant, add languages for the align view.

  3. Peeter Tinits reporter

    On thought, toggle with save changes seems better than one with no changes saved. As you said.

  4. Andrjus Frantskjavitsius repo owner

    @peeter_t2 , I implemented different views. This should solve all issues.

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