Add the list of articles every Wikipedia should have

Issue #75 resolved
Kristian K created an issue

I want to add the "list of articles every Wikipedia should have" (

Can you give pointer on which file I should modify?

Comments (15)

  1. Andrjus Frantskjavitsius repo owner

    @keeleleek, see andrjus/mtserver/public/mtdata/userlists.json

    Note that there are already List_of_articles_every_Wikipedia_should_have/Expanded entries there.

  2. Kristian K reporter

    Since I missed it, I think it should be named accordingly. Also adding the smaller list of 1000 entries would be good. Starting to translate 1000 entries seems much less daunting a task than 10'000. Pure psychology.

  3. Peeter Tinits

    I agree. The names of lists should strive to be understandable by newcomers and not so much technical. There is space to write.

    And also I agree with the numbers. Even downloading 1000 items seemed daunting to me. Much less having 1000 items in sidebar.

  4. Andrjus Frantskjavitsius repo owner

    Well, the lists are nicely sub-sub-categorized and this seems like a quick name change.

  5. Peeter Tinits

    Same for all other lists, the names could be transparent for new users - maybe this is more for Ivo to know.

    Does querypage exist for other languages too?

  6. Andrjus Frantskjavitsius repo owner

    Ahh... I see what is going on here. It generates lists for only source languages. Suggestion lists are useless for destination languages, because the article already exists in that language.

  7. Peeter Tinits

    In principle finding the most linked, but unavailable articles for et-target would be even the most important, but I guess these algorithms don't exist. But if it doesn't exist in target, then it won't find the source article either (unless some crazy combination of pull across articles is used, back and forth with the source and target wikis).

    Querypage could be changed to "Automatically generated (querypage)"

    and the features underneath also given "human-readable" names

    10,000 articles into: "Articles that every wikipedia should have" should do the trick also.

    Would it be possible to manually add a short explanation on each of the lists, e.g. on top of the articles as a text box maybe. For example I don't know what this medical texts list really is.

    This text box could also include a link to the source page for the list on the wiki.

  8. Kristian K reporter

    1000 article list should be "List of articles that every wikipedia should have" and 10,000 articles should be "Expanded list of articles that every wikipedia should have" I will try to get these and other changes done today/tomorrow.

  9. Kristian K reporter

    I now have changed the groupnames and added the shorter List of articles every Wikipedia should have. See pull request #55.

    Notice that I haven't been able to test whether the added shorter list works.

  10. Kristian K reporter

    I don't see all the changes are done yet. You mentioned on pull request #55 that there was a duplicate -- was the duplicate the short and long list of Articles every Wikipedia... ? If so, that is not a duplicate. There's supposed to be two lists.

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