Filter in suggestion lists already before download?

Issue #88 invalid
Peeter Tinits created an issue

What about being able to filter out before download already on suggestion lists? Complicated? Downloading 1,000 takes a while it seems, but downloading only 50 of them that are missing might not be so difficult.

E.g. when downloading the articles in the list Eesti 100 to translate into English, I'd be interested in only the articles with X-s.

Comments (5)

  1. Andrjus Frantskjavitsius repo owner

    The 10 000 articles are not actually being downloaded.

    The application first downloads an article containing the links to (a category of) the 10 000 articles.

    Then it finds other language articles using wikidata (50 articles in one call). This is also where the it is checked if the article exists.

    When the user selects the articles and confirms, then articles are added and downloaded.

  2. Peeter Tinits reporter

    It would be useful to be able to group or filter the downloaded lists, to somehow limit the articles that end up in the translation interface. E.g. include only the ones that don't have a corresponding article in any target languages.

    As an user, it is difficult to navigate in the lists of the interface. E.g. I would like to translate only the painters from the 10,000 list that are not yet in the target wikipedia. There should be an easier way than just selecting them all one by one with ctrl.

  3. Peeter Tinits reporter

    The goal would then be for selecting the articles on your interface after the lists have been downloaded and checked. Currently, it is easy to download entire category of painters, but not "painters who are not yet present in võro language"

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