anduril command to install test-case files

Issue #14 resolved
Ville Rantanen created an issue

Many components have large test case files that are not included in the repo, for a reason. There is the ant target "install-test-files" for each bundle that downloads the required files.

for the anduril-recompile it used to be switch -T. Maybe that function would fit in to "anduril install-dep" scheme somewhere?

Comments (5)

  1. Kristian Ovaska

    I see several solutions. I would prefer 3 or 2, but can implement 1 for now.

    1. The new flag could fit either to "anduril test-component" or "anduril install". Maybe the former, because it is associated with component tests.
    2. If components always check the existence of test files, downloading could be default part of "anduril test-component". That is, it would always run "ant install-test-files" before executing tests.
    3. In many cases, artificial test files can be generated that are small and can be placed in Mercurial. I have spent some time on generating such test files for my components.
    4. Git nowadays supports git-lfs ( which might be a long-term alternative.
  2. Ville Rantanen reporter

    this was never solved for anduril1 either.. apparently esp. sequencing components will always have to have something sensible as input to test the programs, and those files are not small. solution 2. seems very nice indeed.

    also, we are not again converting repos to another versioning system anytime soon. perhaps for anduril3.

  3. Kristian Ovaska

    OK, let's go directly to solution 2 and not implement an explicit flag. Simpler for user as well.

    I have generated minimal test files also for sequencing stuff. It can be challenging but usually you can "pretend" you are working on a small genome like virus (few kilobases).

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