anduril-pager features

Issue #19 resolved
Ville Rantanen created an issue

Discussion and feature requests for ex. log-cleaner


  • instance counter
  • error counter
  • callback counter
  • renaming log levels
  • color scheme


  • Should anduril run return metadata about the pipeline when it starts?

Comments (6)

  1. Ville Rantanen reporter

    Commited some changes - i will continue on this on monday.

    Suggestion: [instancename INFO] printing gets confusing with different lengths of instance names Much more readable formatting would be [INFO instancename]. The log-level capitals could be also formatted equal length, since i think WARNING is the longest. That would make all the tags 8 characters long, and the instance name would start from the same location.

  2. Ville Rantanen

    commited pager to match current logging format.

    Would there be any point in printing a few lines about the workflow in the beginning of the run? Maybe a [META] tag?
    the pager could print nicely for example the name of the script being run (currently you can manually set title), also, if it knows the number of lines in the script, you can calculate some sort of heuristic progress percentage based on which lines are being accessed when executing components. of course it couldn't know how many entries in a for-loop etc, but could be informative anyway.

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