Adding BUNDLE/lib/bin to PATH

Issue #4 closed
Ville Rantanen created an issue

We had an idea, that BUNDLE/lib/bin should be added to the PATH environment to find external tools.

What about, if we detected there was BUNDLE/lib/rc file, and sourced that for each bundle? That file could then define whatever paths and environments the bundle might need.. even set up something like MY_BUNDLE_PATH=$( dirname $BASH_SOURCE ) and the like.. of course hoping this step wont be too heavy..

I already found external software, which just doesnt work by making a symlink in .../bin/... because it expects all the resource files to be present in the same folder..

Comments (4)

  1. Ville Rantanen reporter

    Continuing.. especially, since many tools tend to have ~10 - 15 binaries in their installation folder, not just one.. might be easier to add the whole lib/specific_tool/bin in path instead of making symlinks for all files found in the folder...
    or, for example adding stuff to PYTHON_PATH variable!

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