Star2pass testcase not found

Issue #24 resolved
Alejandra Cervera created an issue

I made a testcase for the Star2pass function but when I try to test the functions it says no testcases found. I have tried to test the function with two different scripts and different input data and I get different errors, Not sure what the problem is since using the testcase data give a NullPointerException but I have no idea in which like the error is being generated. Please someone take a look.

Comments (2)

  1. Alejandra Cervera reporter

    Although annotation is optional an error occurs when it is not provided. Annotation is only used in the two calls to STARGenome, but it is an optional input there, so I don't know why an error is triggered if the annotation is null.

  2. Alejandra Cervera reporter

    The problem was that the order of inputs and parameters was not the same between the component.xml and the function definition

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