IPN List Columns

Issue #12 closed
Drew Angell repo owner created an issue

These are the columns I'd like to see in the list of IPNs.

  • Transaction ID (txn_id)
  • Invoice ID (invoice)
  • Date (payment_date)
  • Name / Company (first_name last_name / payer_business_name)
  • Amount (mc_gross)
  • Transaction Type (txn_type)
  • Payment Status (payment_status)

Comments (6)

  1. Drew Angell reporter

    I added the IPN field name in ()'s next to each column header I'd like, but of course those shouldn't be part of the column header. Just putting that there for your reference.

  2. jignesh kaila

    I am done with this issue and push to issue-12 branch. please this branch not merge to development branch.

    Please first merge issue-11 branch to development branch and let me know, I will get pull from development branch again push this branch and let you for your review.

    After your review this branch you can merge to development branch, this process will avoid conflict issue.

  3. Drew Angell reporter

    Had to fix one small typo where the boolean value "true" was spelled "ture" and was causing a PHP warning to be displayed when WP_Debug is enabled.

    That is fixed and everything else looks good! Merge to development branch complete.

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