
Issue #18 closed
Drew Angell repo owner created an issue

We need to ensure we've followed the steps necessary to localize/translate the plugin. This tutorial is a great guide on doing that: http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/localize-a-wordpress-plugin-and-make-it-translation-ready/

Comments (4)

  1. jignesh kaila

    I have added .po and .mo file languages folder and push to development branch, but I am not sure it fine or not please review it and let me know

  2. Drew Angell reporter

    Actually, what you've done here is added a .po and .mo for US translation, which we won't need, of course, because the default is already English/US.

    All we need is to add a "default.po" file that can be used to generate translation files for other languages later.

    You can see an example looking at my PayPal for WooCommerce plugin: https://github.com/angelleye/paypal-woocommerce/tree/master/i18n/languages

    In there you see the default.po, and then you see separate po and mo files for each language that has been added.

    So all we need to do is change the po file you have here to "default.po" and we can remove .mo file altogether. People who create translation files for me would then take that default.po and make language.po and language.mo out of it.

  3. Drew Angell reporter

    I've gone ahead and adjusted this the way I think it needs to be (although I guess I'm not 100% sure). We can always fix it later if we need to, but I'm pretty sure this is what I followed in my other plugin.

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