Label Adjustments

Issue #28 closed
Drew Angell repo owner created an issue

I'd like to make the filter labels capitalized using ucwords().

I'd also like to adjust the values we're showing on the list for the Transaction Type column. Rather than adjust that output value at all, just go ahead and use the actual IPN value there with the underscores. That way people can see exactly what the txn_type value is from that list page.

Comments (6)

  1. jignesh kaila

    I am done with this and push to development branch. please review it and let me know for the same.

  2. Drew Angell reporter

    I see that the Transaction Type column is showing the raw value like I asked, so that's good. I'm not seeing the other labels updated, though.

    The filter labels at the top. For example, "Recurring payments" should be "Recurring Payments", and "Subscription payments" would be "Subscription Payments".

    So up there, I want to add ucwords().

  3. jignesh kaila

    Yes you are right.

    There are three places we are displaying transaction type 1) top filter section 2) dropdown filter and 3) IPN data listing

    I have current two places 1) dropdown filter and IPN data listing but forget to change on top filter section.

    Now I have current it, Please review it and let me.

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