PayPal Framework IPN Validation Failed

Issue #72 closed
Varadharaj V created an issue


First of all my issue is not related to this plugin. Actually i am using a plugin PayPal Framework . It was working fine. with it before. last few weeks its showing the SSL Connection Error.

any idea about the issue. also if you can find the place of issue, please help me on it

Comments (6)

  1. Drew Angell repo owner

    You need to research the POODLE vulnerability.

    Basically, your server environment needs to be updated, specifically the software stack of OpenSSL, cURL, and Apache.

    If you contact your hosting provider and let them know this is happening they should be able to get that resolved for you.

  2. Drew Angell repo owner

    Also, that plugin hasn't been updated in 3 years. I'd highly recommend you switch to ours after you resolve that issue.

  3. Varadharaj V reporter

    Thank you for your help. I will switch to your Plugin. its working on my host. I dont think i can get solution for this problem.

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