Bug with subscription failed IPN..??

Issue #90 closed
Drew Angell repo owner created an issue

Comments (7)

  1. Drew Angell reporter

    I'm having an issue it appears with this specific txn type. I can see that the messages are being generated but for some reason the plugin is not catching them. I don't see them in the transaction list in the dashboard and my hook isn't catching them either. Below is how I have the hook set up but I don't think this will even play a part if the plugin itself isn't getting or reading the messages correctly. Do you have any help you can offer on this? Thanks.

    add_action('paypal_ipn_for_wordpress_txn_type_subscr_failed', 'subscription_failed', 10, 1); function subscription_failed($posted) {

    I was able to find the transaction in the IPN History report and in the logging file but I don't see it showing up in the IPN plugin list via the dashboard.

  2. Tejas Mehta

    I have tried by building a form that will mirror what an IPN would, and It is working.

    I am catching all the transaction details and also my custom hook is as below

    function paypal_ipn_for_wordpress_txn_type_subscr_failed($posted){
        $log = new AngellEYE_Paypal_Ipn_For_Wordpress_Logger();
        $log->add('paypal', 'IPN paypal-ipn-custom-hooks paypal_ipn_for_wordpress_txn_type_subscr_failed ' . print_r($posted['txn_type'], true));               

    Above code is working as well

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