NameError: global name 'QString' is not defined

Issue #79 new
S_H created an issue

I was trying to use TIM for the first time and I get the following error when I tried launching TIM by running ''. (Before that, I got an error due to no 'pint' module, which I overcame by installing that module.)

File "C:\Anaconda\lib\json\", line 380, in raw_decode
    obj, end = self.scan_once(s, idx)

  File "timgui\", line 406, in objectHookColorBar
    cb.valueScale = d['values']

  File "timgui\", line 178, in setValueScale
    if isinstance(v,(str,np.string_,QString)):

NameError: global name 'QString' is not defined

Comments (18)

  1. Angus Yeh repo owner


    Are you using Python 2 or Python 3?

    Also it seems you are using anaconda, which I am not familiar with, is PyQt4 you are using part of the anaconda stack?

    if possible, let me know what it looks like when you run these commands in python:

    >>> import sys
    >>> sys.version_info
    >>> import PyQt4.QtCore
    >>> PyQt4.QtCore.QString

    Thanks for reporting the issue.


  2. S_H reporter

    Hi. I am using Python 2. Regarding the output from the suggested commands, this is what I get:

    sys.version_info(major=2, minor=7, micro=11, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
    import PyQt4.QtCore
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<ipython-input-2-7ea3631772af>", line 1, in <module>
    AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'QString'
  3. Angus Yeh repo owner


    I have not seen this before, but from the look of it I think it may have something to do with the PyQt4 that comes with the your Python setup. I am guessing you are using anaconda or ipython set of tools? Which I don't have experience with.

    Here is a link from a quick search.

    I can try to modify TIM to make it work on your environment, but I will need help as how you setup your Python/PyQt/IPython/Anaconda etc on your machine.

    Let me know what you think, thanks! In the mean while I will take a look to learn about those IPython side of things.

    Regards, Angus

  4. Angus Yeh repo owner


    Could you try this on your system?

    Modify the source file of to the following content:

    #! python distutils installer will modify this line (for *unix)
    Copyright 2013, 2014 University of Auckland.
    This file is part of TIM (Tim Isn't Mulgraph).
        TIM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
        it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
        the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
        (at your option) any later version.
        TIM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
        but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
        GNU General Public License for more details.
        You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
        along with TIM.  If not, see <>.
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import sip
        sip.setapi('QString', 1)
        # overwrite version info with detailed git desc if git/repo available
        from get_version_info import getGitDesc
        v = getGitDesc()
        if v:
   = v
        # this will trigger initialisation of logging module
        import timgui.log
        from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication,QIcon
        import sys
        app = QApplication(sys.argv)
        app.setOrganizationName("University of Auckland")
        app.setApplicationName("Tim isn't Mulgraph")
        from timgui.ui_main_window import MainWindow
        tim = MainWindow()
  5. S_H reporter

    Hi Angus. I tried the option you suggested, but I get the following error:

    sip.setapi('QString', 1)
    ValueError: API 'QString' has already been set to version 2

    Based on the above error, I tried changing the above command to sip.setapi('QString', 2), but it throws the following commands:

    INFO:root:Tim Isn't Mulgraph 0.6.7
    -INFO       Tim Isn't Mulgraph 0.6.7
    WARNING:pint.util:Redefining 'year' (<class 'pint.definitions.UnitDefinition'>)
    -WARNING    Redefining 'year' (<class 'pint.definitions.UnitDefinition'>)
    WARNING:pint.util:Redefining 'darcy' (<class 'pint.definitions.UnitDefinition'>)
    -WARNING    Redefining 'darcy' (<class 'pint.definitions.UnitDefinition'>)
    INFO:root:User settings file C:\AppData\Roaming\TIM\arrow_scales.json does not exist
    -INFO       User settings file C:\AppData\Roaming\TIM\arrow_scales.json does not exist
    INFO:root:Reading file timgui\arrow_scales.json.
    -INFO       Reading file timgui\arrow_scales.json.
    INFO:root:User settings file C:\AppData\Roaming\TIM\colorbars.json does not exist
    -INFO       User settings file C:\AppData\Roaming\TIM\colorbars.json does not exist
    INFO:root:Reading file timgui\colorbars.json.
    -INFO       Reading file timgui\colorbars.json.

    After the above commands are displayed, it throws an error as shown below:

    File "timgui\", line 178, in setValueScale
        if isinstance(v,(str,np.string_,QString)):
    NameError: global name 'QString' is not defined
  6. Angus Yeh repo owner


    Are you using IPython? Is IPython launched with --gui=qt or --matplotlib=qt?

    If indeed IPython, I think I know the cause now. PyQt has two API versions, v1 and v2. TIM at the moment uses v1 API in the codes, which is required to use QString and QVariant. Your environment uses v2 API.

    The IPython you are using to launch TIM must have pre-loaded PyQt with v2 API. Hence the modification I sent you won't work. Once PyQt api is set, it can not be changed.

    One possible solution is to launch IPython without loading PyQt before it starts TIM, giving TIM a change to dictate the use of v1 API. I have never used IPython before, but I will poke around and see what I can learn.

    It would be nice if you could let me know more about your Python environment: - OS (windows?) - IPython? - how did you install PyQt4, Numpy, matplotlib etc? - or did you use any scientific stack libraries? (eg. anaconda)

    Another solution is to use the packaged version ( which includes its own python environment and dependency.

    I will also upload some examples so you can load something into TIM when you try it. Give me a few days to do it.

    Regards, Angus

  7. S_H reporter

    ?Hi Angus. I am using Anaconda IDE, which has two consoles, IPython console and a second one that's just called console. I have added three images that answer your questions and more about the Anaconda IDE preferences: anaconda.PNG anaconda2.PNG anaconda3.PNG

  8. Angus Yeh repo owner

    Thanks for the info. It's very useful!

    Could you have a quick try to start TIM using the normal "Console" with the PyQt API set to # 1?


    Regards, Angus

  9. S_H reporter

    I do see a gui pop out after running (without using the sip.setapi('QString', 2) command you suggested earlier) as shown below. I also receive some messages on the console that are also shown below. The process of running this on the plain 'console' was not very convenient (it can't be run with F5), so if there's some workaround to run this using IPython console as well then that will be better. If you could do that and add some examples to try TIM then that will be quite good.

    'import sitecustomize' failed; use -v for traceback
    -INFO       Tim Isn't Mulgraph 0.6.7
    -WARNING    Redefining 'year' (<class 'pint.definitions.UnitDefinition'>)
    -WARNING    Redefining 'darcy' (<class 'pint.definitions.UnitDefinition'>)
    -INFO       User settings file C:\AppData\Roaming\TIM\arrow_scales.json does not exist
    -INFO       Reading file C:\Desktop\TIM-master\timgui\arrow_scales.json.
    -INFO       User settings file C:\AppData\Roaming\TIM\colorbars.json does not exist
    -INFO       Reading file C:\Desktop\TIM-master\timgui\colorbars.json.
    -INFO       User settings file C:AppData/Roaming/TIM/plot_with_elevation.json does not exist
    -INFO       User settings file C:/AppData/Roaming/TIM/time_history_plot.json does not exist
    -INFO       user settings not found, skip loading user commands.
    libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile


    Thanks and regards.

  10. Angus Yeh repo owner

    Thanks for checking this. I will have a look at Anaconda IDE myself and see what's going on.

    Also I am just curious, are you intending to use TIM as stand alone GUI? or use its components?

    Regards, Angus

  11. S_H reporter

    Does the above gui seem OK to you? There are some messages that suggest failure to load some settings, so I was not sure if the gui I was able to get is alright.

    My purpose of using TIM was to use it as a tool to process the mesh for Tough. I am not yet aware about all the components of TIM...


  12. Angus Yeh repo owner


    Yes, that looks normal as designed.

    I will have some examples coming.

    Regards, Angus

  13. Angus Yeh repo owner


    Sorry I was away from work for quite a few days. I am back working on it now.

    Regards, Angus

  14. S_H reporter

    No problem. I just thought to ask if that's still on your mind...but, you can take your time, I am not in a hurry. Thanks for your support.

  15. Angus Yeh repo owner


    I have just uploaded a small example. A quick start guide can be found here.

    The ex1 example contains these files:

    • gex1.dat is the geometry file.

    • ex1.dat is the input file of natural state

    • ex1.listing is the output file of natural state

    • ex2.dat is the input file of production (trasient/history) run

    • ex2.listing is the output file of production run

    • and are python/PyTOUGH scripts used to create these examples.

    Let me know if these works as a quick example. In the future I will tidy this up (along with other examples) and create a tutorial that users can follow.

    Regards, Angus

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