Bump version for new release

Issue #22 resolved
anish patil repo owner created an issue

No description provided.

Comments (1)

  1. anish patil reporter

    Release notes for 0.0.2

    1: Monthly summaries by Topic: For monthly summaries it would be really nice to have "Topic(tag):" as prefix for each status message. Ideally each status message should have only one Topic. Idea is to have generalized or broader level tags/topics. e.g If one builds "xyz-font" package in fedora then there could be two Topics associated with it "font:" or "fedora:". So to avoid such confusion,try to use generic Topic name. If someone builds any package in fedora or RHEL, please prefer to use "fedora:" or "RHEL" as Topic name. However someone does any do modifications changes in an individual project, feel free to use project name as Topic. Possible topic suggestions can be found on http://statusapp-i18n.itos.redhat.com/topiclist. For generic messages use "misc:" tag, if one does not provide any tag then automatically "misc:" tag attached to that status message.

    2: Search Functionality: Now statusapp searches given keyword in the status messages and results are arranged according to month.

    3: Bug Fixes:- #9: Weekly/Monthly reports Topic View #20: improve footer text #17: force topic for posts #7: replace Topic Search by search box #19: place [Previous] and [Next] buttons at top Above bug numbers can be found on https://bitbucket.org/anish_patil/statusapp/issues

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