No reaction to gunfire

Issue #150 invalid
Former user created an issue

All NPCs do not react to friendly/neutral gunfire. This can break immersion but is also a critical bug(or poor programming) because of this example:

Soldiers and ecologists are neutral. Ecologists are neutral with Loners/Free Stalkers. You can stand behind an ecologist in a gun fight with soldiers and the ecologists won't react at all. Even while being shot by accident by soldiers.

All stalkers should have reactions to nearby gunfire(guns shooting near NPC or bullets hitting ground/objects near NPC). Reactions should be; Find cover,search for agressors.

Misery Mod has this implemented years ago.Go steal the code. It was already written properly.

Comments (2)

  1. STALKER Anomaly repo owner

    Please attach the missing attachments (appdata\user.ltx, the log file from appdata\logs and (if available) latest save before this happened (.scoc and .scop files for that save)

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