Wolf's "Stalker Guide" Mission isn't a guide mission at all

Issue #16 invalid
Former user created an issue

The description says you are supposed to guide some rookies into the zone, but the mission itself is just a mutant destroy mission with some backup. You have them as companions, but after killing the mutants you're supposed to go back to Wolf with them, completing the mission despawns the companions. Also, it shouldn't be offered right away imo, and the payout when it gets unlocked should be higher

Comments (4)

  1. STALKER Anomaly repo owner

    Please attach the missing attachments (appdata\user.ltx, the log file from appdata\logs and (if available) latest save before this happened (.scoc and .scop files for that save)

  2. STALKER Anomaly repo owner
    • removed version

    Removing version: Anomaly 1.5.0 Beta 3 Hotfix 1 (automated comment)

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