Save/load while using underbarrel grenade launcher can break alt fire functionality and change ammo states

Issue #216 open
Cameron Martin created an issue

To reproduce:

Obtain a rifle with underbarrel grenade launcher, a damaged grenade, and non-damaged rifle ammo

Make sure your rifle’s magazine is loaded with non-damaged ammo

Load a damaged grenade into your underbarrel launcher

Once the grenade launcher is loaded, quicksave and quickload

Observe you can no longer switch back to regular firing

Remove the grenade launcher from the rifle

Observe the ammunition in your rifle’s magazine, it should now be “damaged”

Comments (6)

  1. Nodens

    If you load a damaged or old grenade in to your launcher and then unload it, it will become new as well. xD

  2. STALKER Anomaly repo owner

    Please attach the missing attachments (the log file from appdata\logs and (if available) latest save before this happened (.scoc and .scop files for that save)

  3. Cameron Martin reporter

    This save can also be used to test the bug Nodens reported…

    To reproduce:

    Obtain a rifle with underbarrel grenade launcher, a damaged grenade, and non-damaged rifle ammo

    Make sure your rifle’s magazine is loaded with non-damaged ammo

    Load a damaged grenade into your underbarrel launcher

    Switch back to regular firing, off of the grenade launcher. Make sure you can see your non-damaged rifle ammo icon on the HUD

    Quicksave and quickload

    After quickloading, detatch the grenade launcher from your rifle.

    Observe the damaged grenade is now in perfect condition.

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