Traders Goodwill stock

Issue #283 on hold
Former user created an issue

Seems most traders have their good will items for armor in the wrong order. Sidorovich has over coats at the highest good will and the sunrise suits(after the basic) listed with no good will at all.

Basic armor = no goodwill- 500 leather jacket, overcoat, basicsunrise suit

Medium range = 550- 950 heavy over coats, better sunrise suits

High end = 1000 Best armor/gear/weapons

Specialty = 1500 Unique items + lowered price of certain uncommon items, Incendiary Grenades, Adrenaline(so you actually buy them instead of cheaper items).

Comments (1)

  1. STALKER Anomaly repo owner

    Please attach the missing attachments (appdata\user.ltx, the log file from appdata\logs and (if available) latest save before this happened (.scoc and .scop files for that save)

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