Abnormal Measurements quest not actually in Army Warehouses

Issue #386 new
Former user created an issue

So I'm doing the Abnormal Measurements quest for eggheads, and I need to measure (presumably) the electro anomaly on top of power transmission tower in Army Warehouses... I stand directly on top of the map marker, supplied measurement device in detector slot and in hand, but nothing is happening.

And after playing for a bit doing other things, I got an update to the quest - in Garbage. Turns out I could use the measurement device near an anomaly close to the exit to Wild territory.

Either I can measure any one of the anomalies prepared for this type of quest, or the marker is in the wrong position. Attached save no.14 is in garbage, and the save no.1 is the last one I have while being in Army warehouses. Plus a photo showcasing the location.

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