Overhaul stash names and descriptions

Issue #436 new
Piotr created an issue

Currently, stash names and descriptions vary greatly and do not provide much information to the player. Please consider the following:

  1. Adopt the stash names from earlier games as much as possible. Where stashes do not have names, such as storage boxes at smart terrains, use “storage box” as the stash name. Too many stashes that should have names are simply labelled “stash” or are labelled incorrectly (“Old backpack” that turns out to be a storage box).
  2. When a stash is received as a quest reward, add the name of the stash to the description, for example: “Stash coordinates received” → “Stash coordinates received: Backpack of the tester”
  3. Consider adding a level prefix to the stash description, such as “Stash coordinates received: [Yan] Backpack of the tester”. This would help the player know where to look on the map to find the stash they just received.
  4. Use a different coloured icon for stashes that are underground, or add the level prefix to all stash descriptions. This would lessen confusion about stashes in places such as Agroprom.
  5. Remove map names from all found pda descriptions, as these currently don’t match. For example, a pda text might describe a stash as appearing in Red Forest but it is actually in Dead City.

Beyond these description problems, it would be great if the randomly assigned stashes could be used only once each before being reused again. There are many stashes that the player will empty multiple times in the course of a game, while others are never emptied at all.

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