"Too many blended motions requisted"

Issue #475 new
Piotr created an issue

This was an abrupt crash in Swamps. The game stuttered a bit, then about a minute later crashed completely. The last few lines of the log are as follows:

! error in stalker with visual actors\stalker_nebo\stalker_nebo_s_mask
! error in stalker with visual actors\stalker_nebo\stalker_nebo_s_mask
! error in stalker with visual actors\stalker_nebo\stalker_nebo_s_mask


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CKinematicsAnimated::IBlend_Create
[error]File : ..\xrRender\SkeletonAnimated.cpp
[error]Line : 753
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : Too many blended motions requisted

stack trace:

On reload, it did not occur again. I am still getting the error message in the log, but it is not causing a crash. I have also attached a “normal log.log” which shows the error under non-crash conditions. Note also the large number of “ERROR: ILLEGAL SET STATE CALLED!!! nil for devushka19568” messages.

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