Crafting too much ammo causes crash at next level change

Issue #482 new
Piotr created an issue

When the player crafts a large quantity of ammo from damaged parts, the next level change produces a crash. The crash occurs after the current level closes and before the next level begins to load. The log shows a disconnect at this point, which should not occur.

This is in a game using 1.5.0 Beta 3 Update 4 Hotfix 8 (please consider using version numbering in future releases!)

  • Not caused by addons, as it happened in my previous game with addons and in my current game without them.
  • Not related to the level itself and has happened in Rostok as well as Army Warehouse.
  • Hard to recreate the issue, as loading the save before crafting, then doing all the crafting, might not trigger the crash.

Attached files include a save from before crafting and after crafting, just before the level change. This will not likely trigger the crash! It seems to depend on doing a lot of crafting and then changing levels within a long session, which makes me wonder if it is related to growth in the size of the process heap.

To work around this, I am now doing smaller amounts of crafting rather than doing it all at once, which seems to prevent the crash.

Logs from my previous game in which this issue appeared and which later became corrupt are here:

Edit to add: this also happened in Jupiter, and not at a level change. After crafting a large quantity of ammo, the player was killed. On reload, the game crashed with the log attached.

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