Something wrong with npc behavior

Issue #70 invalid
Former user created an issue

Hey guys, there is something wrong with hostile npc and their visibility to a player. Sometimes, it takes them 5 seconds to react on player and start to shoot at him. You can kill one npc from squad and sometimes his buddies don’t react at all. They often don’t see player if he hides behind small objects or trees. This fact eliminates all challenge from the game, even on max difficult you can kill whole monolit squad without any problems. In version 2.4 npc were much more aggressive and fun to play.Anyway, thanks for your work, I hope you can solve this issue

Comments (3)

  1. STALKER Anomaly repo owner

    Please attach the missing attachments (appdata\user.ltx, the log file from appdata\logs and (if available) latest save before this happened (.scoc and .scop files for that save)

  2. STALKER Anomaly repo owner
    • removed version

    Removing version: Anomaly 1.5.0 Beta 3 Hotfix 1 (automated comment)

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