Component apply issue

Issue #45 wontfix
batiste vonderweidt created an issue


I just bought the asset today and I'm having issues with the apply component fonctionnality.


  • I create a UI text prefab with text value "prefab text"

  • In the scene I modify the Text value to "text from scene"

  • In the scene I click Apply -> Apply Text

  • I select the prefab in the project, the text is still "prefab text".

Sometimes there is also an issue where when I edit the text value in the scene. The apply button dont show the "Apply text" option. Instead there is "no modified components".

Notes : uPrefabs 1.8f2 I'm using unity 5.6

Comments (5)

  1. Devon Klompmaker

    It is actually intended behaviour for the text value of the TextComponent not to be pulled in. The reason why, is the use of uPrefabs generally is to use the master "template" values for font, color, alignment etc, but you might not want the text string to be replaced.

    However, you can change this! There is the TextComponentProcessor, which handles how the text component preserves the previous text value, you can open this script and change it to fit your needs.

    Let me know if you have any other questions,

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