running docker on OSX

Issue #1 new
zach charlop-powers created an issue

Hi Kai,

Great idea with the Docker container for Antismash. I have a small issue to report.

OSX has an old version of coreutils so readlink doesn't work correctly. My work-around is to install coreutils from homebrew (brew install coreutils). This adds 'g' in front of the GNU coreutils. Then you can change the readlinks to greadlinks in your Docker script and all will be well.

Thanks, zach cp

Comments (1)

  1. zach charlop-powers reporter

    while the read issue works, I now encounter a permissions error.

    File "/usr/local/bin/", line 428, in main os.mkdir(options.outputfoldername) OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:

    This is on the latest dockerfile. Seems like the write directory should be mounted rw but is being denied. I tried running run_antismash with sudo but then theres new issues where the docker daemon is no longer recognized.

    I'll let you know if I figure out the Mac OSX docker mounting problem.


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