Issue in cloud uploader

Issue #94 new
José Barroso created an issue


I'm Jose and I have bought a license for Recordr app, today December 2th.

I have an issue whit "cloud uploader" feature.

I have recording my voice for a few seconds to test this feature, but

-1) The recorded file hasn't been uploaded to my  Google Drive account automatically

-2) The cloud uploader option from the menu doesn't work, because....

---After I try to use the button "cloud uploader" from menu, I see a screen with options as the attached first screen capture (please see)

----When I try to switch the "off" button to "on" , next screen ask for choose a Google account (see second screen capture)

----When I choose any Google account , the switch turns to "off" and the screen returns to similar screen as the first screen capture

Obviously, the recorded file hasn't been uploaded at any moment.

Please, can you give me a solution?



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