Rearmement of Jets fighter

Issue #14 on hold
ayot florent created an issue

Yesterday i buy an F-181 for having fun flying, and after having delivered my munitions i come back at the airport for rearming. i stop near an tempest munitions and i have the little message"Rearm" in the bottom of my screen but no munition loading on my planes.

Can someone try for testing it if its an bug of the server or me ?

Comments (3)

  1. ayot florent reporter

    Also, if you can add an reseller in front of the airport, because i wanted to sell my planes after that, and it was pain in the ass to go back of the terminal for recycling my planes.

  2. Anzu

    I believe you need to re-arm those from the Huron Ammo crates. Certain armed vehicles can only be re-armed at specific ammo crates/vehicles. But we will check to make sure there is no bug here, but I believe you just had the wrong ammo box. Buy or build a Huron Ammo crate and try it on there.

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