Getting two value for current rotation degree.

Issue #5 closed
Former user created an issue

Hello, Thanks for this demo. I need to get current device rotation in 360 degree. But I'm getting two kind of different values from quanternion. Something like:

*  82.903595
*  82.59612
*  82.903595
*  277.26965
*  276.97003
*  277.26965
*  83.29394

If you total two different values you will get 360. I'm using your formula to calculate degree from quanternion.

2.0f * Math.acos(quaternion.getW()) * 180.0f / Math.PI

Can you please help me to calculate current device 360 rotation in horizontal and vertical motion from your improved orientation sensor? I'm quite new in development.


Comments (3)

  1. Alexander Pacha repo owner

    I don't really understand what you mean by saying "360 rotation in horizontal and vertical motion". Please clarify what you are trying to obtain. Generally, what you want is either a Rotation Vector, a Rotation Matrix or a Quaternion. Don't step into the pitfalls of trying to calculate Euler Angels. See Chapter 2.3.1 in my thesis for more details:

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