Clue Scroll - Addendum

Issue #10 on hold
Primum created an issue

So when I started out on my account Heros Bellum I got lucky on my first slayer task ( I started slayer as soon as I tutorial was completed ) and got a clue scroll(easy)

I did all steps to the clue and when I reached the ending part a 100+ tree spirit attacked. The Tree spirit was so strong it literally 1 hit K0 me. I would like to propose an addendum to the clue scroll level tiers to where the version of the boss you fight is relative to that tier level. So a easy clue scroll would have a lower level tree spirit or golem or whatever, and a medium clue scroll would have a medium level tree spirit or whatever, and hard, would have a hard one, and etc.

Alternatively if developers do not wish to do this at least put some kind of warning about "clue scrolls spawn really strong monsters that can kill the low level"

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