Comments shown on the board issue summary are not rendered as Markdown

Issue #10 open
Jos Krause created an issue

Synopsis: When you click on an issue in the board, and the issue summary is displayed, when any comment contains Markdown markup it is not rendered as such.

Expected: The markdown rendered markup of the comment is displayed.


Actual: The raw markup of the comment is displayed.


Note: It would also be nice if the comments could be a link to the actual comment on the issue (jump to comment); other than that, great addon, thanks for much for your efforts!

Comments (6)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski
    • changed status to open

    Hi Jos,

    Thank you for using our plugin.

    This would be a nice feature - I've added this to our backlog. I'll leave it open to let you know (and others) if we are going to implement this in future.

    Best regards,


  2. Jos Krause reporter

    @modzelewskil any change of making this nifty add-in open source or a way to allow creating forks + pull requests? I am sure you have other priority matters to attend to, but I would definitely not mind spending time on getting to understand the code base and perhaps allow additional changes and features to be added. Just a thought out loud, enjoying the addon every day :)

  3. Jos Krause reporter

    @modzelewskil any update at all on possible features being added or this plugin in general? It seems there's quite some interest from the community to extend its base. Just curious :)

  4. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Yes, I have some news.

    Bucket Board needs to wait - because we are a bit busy with release of new plugin "Vacation Manager for JIRA" and preparation for Atlassian Summit 2017.

    After Summit we will have time to make preparation to make it open source.

    We see it is a great plugin with positive feedback and it could be even better if we allow community of contributors to tweak it and improve.

    So please be patient and stay tuned :)

  5. Jos Krause reporter

    @modzelewskil hope everything went great at the Summit, curiosity is making me write to ask you if there are any developments surrounding BucketBoard :-)

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