BucketBoard is not properly displayed

Issue #19 new
Cristian Ibañez created an issue

BuecketBoard is broken and columns are not correctly displayed. Please see attached screenshot.

Tested in macOS High Sierra v.10.13.6 (17g65) Browser: Chrome v.69.0.3497.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) Fierfox v.62.0.2 (64-bit) Safari v.12.0 (13606.2.11)

Comments (5)

  1. Gleb Dvinski

    I've had this for a few days now. I sent a ticket to Atlassian but since it was a plug-in they redirected me to another place. Hope they fix it soon as it seems like its just a css issue.

    I don't know if it does that for you, but if I try to click on an issue # (i.e.: #256) at the beginning of the issue card, it redirects me to a broken link. I like bucketBoard for the simplicity and easy UI. Kinda sad to have it broken for so long

  2. Steffen Schlaer

    Adding CSS width: 100% to BucketBoard iFrame solve temporary the problem. But this should be added by BucketBoard itself.

  3. Virginijus Kandrotas

    I also have the same problem for a few days. I it seems there no any other alternative to have bitbucket issues on card based board.

  4. Steffen Schlaer

    Seems to be working again without any custom CSS. Was this fixed or does bitbucket.org change something of iframe canvas layout?

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