Error al habilitar el complemento the scheduler

Issue #107 closed
julian sanchez created an issue

No he podido habilitarlo.

Comments (9)

  1. jost
    • changed status to open

    Hi Julian,

    Thank you for this feedback. We will analyse this issue and keep you updated. Could you please write us which version of The Scheduler are you using?

    Regards, Jacek Ostrowski.

  2. jost

    Hi Julian,

    I cannot find this version or similar of Agile. But by Service Desk Version history i infer that you trying to install The scheduler 4.0.3 on JIRA Server 6.4 - 6.4.12. However TSP v.4.0+ are compatible only with JIRA Server 7.0+.

    Let us know whether my assumption are correct and if so, download version TSP v.3.2.13 and install it on your JIRA. Here you can find all versions of TSP:

  3. julian sanchez reporter

    Now, I can´t to apply you solution. But I think that the next monday when I aplly your solution I will answer you the result.


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