Adding a job or list view is crazy slow

Issue #11 closed
MarcelP created an issue
  1. Loading the listview of the scheduled jobs takes about 1,50 minutes.

  2. Going from page 1 to page 2 in the wizard "creating a job" takes another minute.


We are using Jira (v6.0.8#6109-sha1:57cf099)

Comments (25)

  1. MarcelP reporter

    sure CPU goes up to 100% until the next screen is fully loaded. We have 8 cores and 24GB ram.. So this should not happen...

  2. Łukasz Kreczmer

    Hello Marcel,

    First of all I need to know how many scheduled issue you have for all projects in total, and the biggest number of scheduled issues for single project?

    Could you also send logs from Jira (by default "atlassian-jira.log") - maybe there are some exceptions which slow down operations?

    Do you observe such slowness for all projects/issue types or maybe only for some of them?

    Best Regards, Lucas Kreczmer

  3. MarcelP reporter

    Hey can you please give me an update on this issue please. Its more or less impossible to work with the plugin at the moment !

  4. Marek Cendrowicz

    Hi Marcel,

    the described behavior seems to be isolated and rare problem that hasn't been reported yet nor reproduced on our dev- and test- instances.

    Thus we need some more information.

    Could you please give us short information about following numbers (approx.):

    • total amount of scheduled issues for all projects
    • biggest amount of scheduled issues for single project
    • amount of scheduled issues for affected project

    Is the problem related to one specific project or does it relate to all your projects?

    What about non-scheduled issues - does the creation or displaying take long time too?

    Could you please go through the scheduled issue wizard one more time and attach afterwards the JIRA log file (atlassian-jira.log by default)?

    Thank you for your co-operation.

    Kind regards, Marek Cendrowicz

  5. MarcelP reporter

    Hey Marek,

    here the first answers: amount of scheduled issues for all projects: "378 jobs" 2. biggest amount of scheduled issues for single project: "253 in one project" but a project with NO scheduled issue it takes same long time to create the 1st scheduled issue. 3. amount of scheduled issues for affected project "253 scheduled issues" 4. Is the problem related to one specific project or does it relate to all your projects? "All projects same problem." 5. What about non-scheduled issues - does the creation or displaying take long time too? "No there is no speed problem. We can create them very very fast." 6. Could you please go through the scheduled issue wizard one more time and attach afterwards the JIRA log file (atlassian-jira.log by default)? "Need to talk to my admin: Will come back with a log very soon!

  6. MarcelP reporter

    here now the LOG file. Please let me know when you downloaded it so i can delete the file..

  7. Marek Cendrowicz

    Hi Marcel,

    thanks for fast response, all information and attachments you've provided. I've downloaded the log file so you can safely remove it.

    Please let me investigate the entire problem and I'll come back to you asap.

    Kind regards, Marek Cendrowicz

  8. Marek Cendrowicz

    Hi Marcel,

    the reason for the extended period of time it has taken to contact you on this matter is that I have been investigating this issue and it is always taking time to directly address a root cause of such scalability issues.

    The Scheduler's logic has been improved and in result a period of time which is needed between first and second wizard's step has been seriously decreased.

    The list view is totally different topic - we have here affected OOTB logic which, in addition, throws exceptions - it will take more time to address a direct reason for it.

    The new release (3.0.4) will be ready until end of this week and should be available in the marketplace next week. It will contain the mentioned fix for wizard.

    Kind regards,

    Marek Cendrowicz

  9. MarcelP reporter

    the wizard is the most important issue for us. So the fix would help us. looking forward to get the update.

  10. Алексей Широких

    Got that trouble too. i have 1358 task. and that is only part of all task that need to be creted. we would create about 2800 tasks.

  11. Marek Cendrowicz

    Hi Aleksey,

    I'd like to inform you that this issue is still open and has very high priority. We're working hardly to deliver an improvement in incoming releases for next versions of JIRA.

    Could you please tell me by what use case you're experiencing slowness: creating a new scheduled issue or viewing scheduled issues or both?

    Kind regards,

    Marek Cendrowicz

  12. Marek Cendrowicz

    Hi Marcel,

    the list view has been improved so that there is no performance lost anymore. Please keep an eye on the marketplace. We will be releasing 3.0.7 very soon.

    Kind regards,

    Marek Cendrowicz

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