We have problem with scheduler.

Issue #110 closed
julian sanchez created an issue

We have had restart server (red hat 6), but don´t start the scheduler, How we can disable in the startup the server?

Comments (3)

  1. jost

    Hi Julian,

    Do you mean you want to disable the scheduler plugin? If you are able to start the JIRA please just disable plugin in Jira add-ons:


    If You are not able to run JIRA please to remove plugin from Jira at All. You can do this even if JIRA is down. This way you should just to remove JAR file from your server. The jar should be placed in <JIRA_HOME>\plugins\installed-plugins. The name of Scheduler Jar for version 3.2.13 is "plugin_9177431719130472393_theschedulerpro-3.2.13.jar"

  2. jost

    Hi Julian,

    I hope you were able to run server without running The Scheduler Plugin. Please feel free to reopen this task in case you have any problem with this issue.

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