Tasks are not visible for a specific project

Issue #136 resolved
Sébastien Close created an issue

Dear support,

Scheduled tasks for a specific project is not visible anymore. I can see them in the database, if I export all tasks I also can see them. If I create a new task, the process is working but the scheduled tasks stays invisible. In attachment, a screenshot with the project with no task and the related tasks export. We disabled the possibility to clone on this project, is it related to this?

Thank you Sébastien

Comments (8)

  1. Bartosz Gilewski

    Hello Sebastian,

    Could you explain which cloning option have you disabled? Do you mean Issue cloning possibility? (I'm asking because in JIRA you can disable issue cloning only for the whole instance, not for the specific projects).

    Also, could you send us JIRA logs from the moment where the scheduled tasks are not visible? (You can attach logs here or send them on our support mail support.atlassian@tt.com.pl)

    You can find information where are JIRA logs located here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=213526227

    Best regards, Bartosz Gilewski

  2. Bartosz Gilewski

    Hello Sebastien,

    We have reproduced your case. Indeed, after disabling cloning option by setting "jira.permission.create.clone" workflow step property to "denied" all scheduled issues were missing from the page.

    However, I've made some investigation about this property and it seems it is not 100% correct. According to the https://docs.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/api/latest/com/atlassian/jira/security/WorkflowBasedPermissionManager.html, you can use this property with the valid permission name. There is no global or project permission that allows/disallows to clone the issue.

    While this option works (it disallows to clone issues), it might cause problems with JIRA OOTB functions, for example:

    The root of the problem in your case was the moment when plugin tried to check Create Issue permission on the Scheduled Issue creator user. Because of the invalid option set on the workflow, JIRA threw an exception in this moment.

    You should have similar exception in the logs after accessing Scheduled Issue page:

    java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown type 'clone' in meta attribute 'jira.permission.create.clone.denied'. Valid permission types are defined in permission-types.xml
        at com.atlassian.jira.permission.WorkflowPermissionFactory.createWorkflowPermission(WorkflowPermissionFactory.java:98)
        at com.atlassian.jira.permission.WorkflowPermissionFactory.getWorkflowPermissions(WorkflowPermissionFactory.java:47)
        at com.atlassian.jira.security.WorkflowBasedPermissionManager.workflowPermissionCheck(WorkflowBasedPermissionManager.java:213)
        at com.atlassian.jira.security.WorkflowBasedPermissionManager.hasPermission(WorkflowBasedPermissionManager.java:117)

    In conclusion, this option breaks the JIRA function essential for the plugin. For now, i recommend you to remove the option from the workflow if you want to restore The Scheduler plugin functionality.

    Best Regards, Bartosz Gilewski

  3. Sébastien Close reporter

    Dear Bartosz,

    Thank you for your test, verification and support. We will disable this option from the workflow to get the scheduler back in business. Thank you for your support This request can now be closed.

    Best regards,

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