Assignee not being set during issue creation

Issue #143 closed
Daniel Gustafson created an issue

Hi, we seem to have an issue with Assignee not properly set when a scheduled issue is fired, even though the Assignee is configured in the Scheduled Issue.

What are the steps to troubleshoot?

Comments (15)

  1. jost
    • changed status to open

    Hi Daniel,

    Please let us know about which version of JIRA and The Scheduler Plugin are you using.

    Best regards, Jacek

  2. jost

    Hi Daniel,

    For now we are not able to reproduce this problem. Please let us know about your workflow. You are set the Assignee in your Scheduled Issue and the result issue is unassign, am I right?

    Are You able to create issue on this project with user which You assigned to SI?

    Could you please send the log file on our email?

    Our email is

    Information how to find log file:

  3. Daniel Gustafson reporter

    Hi Jacek, correct. As you can see in the screenshots below, "Administrator" is set to Creator and Reporter, and Assignee is set in the Schedlued Issue Configuration for this Project. The second screenshot shows the resulting issue (Fired manually), is set to Unassigned.

    I verified that I can create an issue assigned to when logged in as "Administrator".

    Image 6.png Image 7.png

    I will send the log file in a moment.

  4. jost

    Hi Daniel,

    We have analyzed your log file. There a lot of logs like this:

    • [p.c.t.thescheduler.core.TheSchedulerServiceImpl] ERROR: User '****' cannot be assigned issues.
    • [p.c.t.thescheduler.core.TheSchedulerServiceImpl] ERROR: User who created this scheduled issue is no longer active!
    • [p.c.t.thescheduler.core.TheSchedulerServiceImpl] ERROR: User who created this scheduled issue has no longer schedule issue permission for selected project!

    Above logs are repeated for multiple users. That means some of creators and assigned users for Scheduled Issue are Inactive or does not active. To solve this problem you must manually change these users in SI. Please let us know if this solution works for you.

  5. Daniel Gustafson reporter

    Hi Jacek,

    This doesn't seem to explain the issue I have with this particular project. Both the Creator of the issue and the Assignee are active users. Remember, I logged in to Jira with the Administrator user and manually created the issue and assigned to Scott.

    I'm not surprised that there are some Scheduled issues and projects with old users. Unfortunately the UI does not make it easy to change these. Is there any way to change the Scheduled Issue configuration with a script or configuration file? Doing a Find and Replace for all the scheduled issues would be better than the 10 clicks it takes to change each one. We probably have > 500 scheduled issues.

  6. jost

    Hi Daniel,

    Yes, you are right. I forgot that you are able to create issue with this assignee manualy. I will analyze this case deeper and will keep you updated.

    All datas of TSP are stored in database. However users are able to perform bulk edit on selected issues.This action allow to change specified field(s) in edited scheduled issues. This action can be performed only for issues with the same project and issue type. I hope this can help you. Documentation about this feature you can find here:

    Documentation about all functions of TSP can be found here:

  7. jost

    Hi Daniel,

    Unfortunately for now i cannot find any other reason for your problem. Could you please perform creation of this issue in TSP and send me log file angin? It is important to write down the logs immediately after starting a creation.

  8. Daniel Gustafson reporter

    Hi Jacek - Sorry I wasn't able to get back to you last week. I didn't notice your reply.

    I tested a few more scenarios and if I Edit an issue, even if I don't make any changes, just "Next, Next, Finish", the Scheduled issue will now get created with Assignee.

    I'm sending the logs now. If you examine an issue "OP-22937" this issue was manually fired by TSP before edit and has no assignee. OP-22938 was manually fired by TSP after "Edit, Next, Next, Finish" and correctly has assignee set.

  9. jost

    Hello Daniel,

    Do you mean that editing scheduled issue without any change solve your problem? Unfortunately I cannot find any logs due to our plugin.

  10. Daniel Gustafson reporter

    Correct, for some reason that seems to be the case. Still interested in understanding the cause, however, since there may be a lot of issues like this, and it might be god to know what went wrong in the first place.

  11. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Hi Daniel,

    We found out that 'missing' assignees or N/A were caused by username and name changes. Latest release resolves this kind off issues - please update plugin to version 4.3.3

    Best regards,


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