Allow Reporter to be user executing Manual Fire of Scheduled Issues

Issue #145 open
Matthew Harkins created an issue

Is there any way that we could configure a Scheduled Issue to set the Reporter as the User that executed a manual Fire of the Scheduled Issue?

Comments (6)

  1. jost

    Hello Matthew,

    Unfortunately this is not possible, and at the moment we do not expect to add such a feature.


  2. Maciej Kucharek

    Hi Matthew,

    just to add to the previous response, we consider manual fire as an extra-feature of the primary functionality of The Scheduler, which is scheduling issues on a timely basis. By introducing the feature you requested, we would need to essentially break the current behavior that is expected by the existing users. We could, of course, create a separate screen where you could define some additional options before actually "firing" the scheduled issue, but we'd rather not make the UI more complicated than it already is.

    That being said, if you could explain us your use case in more details, maybe we could come up with some kind of a workaround that would satisfy you. Also, I'll leave this enhancement "Open", so that if there are more people with a similar use case (either by voting or commenting), we will then consider including that in the future.

    Best regards, Maciej

  3. Matthew Harkins reporter

    We are using the tool in two manners. The first is your primary use case, to create templated issues on a schedule. The second, is to create issues on an adhoc basis using the templating features of your primary use case without a schedule attached to the entry. In this second use case, the issues don't have a set schedule that they can follow. This is by far the majority of our usages. When one of these adhoc templated issues is required, a user manually accesses our scheduled tasks list, selects the issue that corresponds with the situation and clicks fire to create the issue with the details pre-populated and then edits the issue to tweak a few attributes that I have not been able to define in the template. The plugin works decently enough for this use case and could be a perfect fit for it with a few enhancements. We have not been able to find another plugin that allows for easy templated issue creation like The Scheduler provides.

    I have a list of nice to have enhancements that would make this tool ideal for the second use case I've described, but only a few of the proposed enhancements would apply to your primary use case. I certainly understand your concern about deviating from the primary functionality.

    • After creating an issue through a manual fire, the user has to edit the ticket to change the Reporter field. It would be nice if the current logged in user could be applied to the new issue as the Reporter when a task is manually fired or added to the description via predefined fields. I had expected to find a variable like $(currentUser) in the list of predefined values:
    • It would be nice if the list of scheduled tasks that could be manually fired were presented as a dropdown from the top bar and upon selecting one, it would be manually fired. The current implementation requires multiple clicks to access the fire operation (click the nut, select the Scheduled Tasks link, new page loads and then select the fire operation and then navigate back to the project/board).
    • After firing an issue manually from the list of scheduled tasks, the user remains on the screen displaying the list of scheduled tasks. It would be nice if the user could be navigated to the new issue or at least back to the project/board.
    • It does not appear that the option to use the next fire time for a custom date field is functional when an issue is manually fired and the user must edit the issue to supply an appropriate date.
    • It appears that the Dynamic option for a custom date field uses the system timezone rather than the current user's timezone. It would be nice if you could select the timezone which you want predefined dates and values to use.

    Thanks, -Matthew

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