500 Error when trying to export scheduled issues

Issue #148 closed
Mani Sehgal created an issue

The error occurs when trying to export excel file from Export Scheduled Issues.


Comments (9)

  1. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Hi Mani,

    we have recieved your logs - we will look into it.

    Please tell us which version of the plugin you are using ?

    Best regards,


  2. Łukasz Modzelewski

    If you have been using version 4.2.1 there was an error in export - it was fixed in latest release 4.3.1 .

    Please update Scheduler and let us know if this helped you.

    Best regards, Łukasz

  3. Brian Roberts

    We are at 4.3.1 (JIRA 7.1.8) and are having the same issue. The screen to choose the export options loads. After selecting the desired options (tried all combinations) and clicking "Export", the error appears. We have 3 different instances (all the same versions) and are seeing this in all 3.

  4. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Hi Brian,

    I have tested few cases on JIRA 7.1.8 (including manual upload and update from earlier versions), export fails on scheduler version 4.2.1 - but works fine with 4.3.1.

    Could you please send us your log files at support.atlassian@tt.com.pl for further investigation.

    In the meantime please try to do the following scenarios:


    • disable plugin,
    • refresh page,
    • enable plugin,
    • try to export file


    • uninstall plugin,
    • refresh page,
    • add plugin - through build in add-ons marketplace,
    • try to export file


    • uninstall plugin,
    • refresh page,
    • download plugin - from marketplace: Version 4.3.1
    • upload plugin,
    • refresh page,
    • try to export file

    Let us know if one of this cases helped you.

  5. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Hi Brian,

    Thank you for update on your problem, if you need any additional support from our site please open new ticket and we will do our best to help you.

    This issue is closed because we recieved info from Manit saying that plugin update had helped.

    Best regards,


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